Small behavior driven development ( BDD ) framework for C.
1. QuickStart
This is just an small example of how to use CSPEC
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <cspecs/cspec.h>
context (example) {
describe("Hello world") {
it("true should be true") {
should_bool(true) be equal to(true);
} end
it("true shouldn't be false") {
should_bool(true) not be equal to(false);
} end
it("this test will fail because 10 is not equal to 11") {
should_int(10) be equal to(11);
} end
skip("this test will fail because \"Hello\" is not \"Bye\"") {
should_string("Hello") be equal to("Bye");
} end
} end
2. Fucntions
2.1. Contexts
2.1.1. Context
Each behaviour to test must be declared within a context
. The syntax to define a context
is shown below:
context(<identifier>) {
/* You're inside the context */
Inside a context
, you can write functions and call them in your tests, you can also include files (.h), define macros and write scenarios using describe
You should always have at the top of your test file, as the first level of nesting, either a context or a describe . The former is prefered.
2.1.2. Describe
Each scenario is written inside a describe
, declared in this way:
describe("Brief description of the scenario") {
/* Here goes the code */
} end
We can have multiple scenarios on each context. Again, inside a describe
you can write functions and call them in your tests, include files (.h), define macros and write the tests using it
2.2. Tests and Assertions
2.2.1. Tests (it)
Each it
represents a test.
it("Brief description of the test") {
/* Here goes the test code, along with the assertions */
} end
Inside it, you have to write the assertions about the behaviour you want to test. In order to do that cspec has a set of basic operations to do that, the should
2.2.2. Assertions (should)
Each should
is an assertion, that expects 2 values. The first is the actual value and the second, the expected one.
Currently we have a maximum threshold for assertions on each tests, defined in MAX_SHOULDS_PER_IT. Current threshold: 64. |
should_bool(<actual_boolean>) be equal to(<expected_boolean>);
should_bool(<actual_boolean>) not be equal to(<unexpected_boolean>);
should_char(<caracter_actual>) be equal to(<caracter_esperado>);
should_char(<caracter_actual>) not be equal to(<caracter_no_esperado>);
should_short(<actual_number>) be equal to(<expected_number>);
should_short(<actual_number>) not be equal to(<unexpected_number>);
should_int(<actual_number>) be equal to(<expected_number>);
should_int(<actual_number>) not be equal to(<unexpected_number>);
should_long(<actual_number>) be equal to(<expected_number>);
should_long(<actual_number>) not be equal to(<unexpected_number>);
should_float(<actual_float>) be equal to(<expected_float>);
should_float(<actual_float>) not be equal to(<unexpected_float>);
should_double(<decimal_actual>) be equal to(<decimal_esperado>);
should_double(<decimal_actual>) not be equal to(<decimal_no_esperado>);
should_ptr(<actual_pointer>) be equal to(<expected_pointer>);
should_ptr(<actual_pointer>) not be equal to(<unexpected_pointer>);
should_string(<actual_word>) be equal to(<expected_word>);
should_string(<actual_word>) not be equal to(<unexpected_word>);
Also, cspec offers syntactic sugar for some of the assertions, like the following examples:
should_bool(<actual_boolean>) be truthy;
should_bool(<actual_boolean>) not be truthy;
should_bool(<actual_boolean>) be falsey;
should_bool(<actual_boolean>) not be falsey;
should_ptr(<actual_pointer>) be null;
should_ptr(<actual_pointer>) not be null;
2.3. Hooks - before y after
Sometimes the scenarios, initial configurations, or deallocation of the variables get repeated between tests. In order to handle that, inside each describe
, you can add a block code to execute before
and after
each test (it
2.3.1. before
before {
/* Code to execute before each test */
} end
2.3.2. after
after {
/* Code to execute after each test */
} end
As stated before, the context and the describe are executed secuentially, that’s why it’s very important to remember that the before and after must be declared in the beggining of the describe scenario, even before the first test.
Currently we have a maximum threshold for hooks on each test file, defined in MAX_CHAINS_HOOKS. Current threshold: 64. |
3. License
This framework uses the GPLv3 as license. Fork it and contribute with the project!